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Farrow Pension & Benefits


Farrow Benefits Consulting o/a Farrow Pension & Benefits partners with Group Quest - a People Corporation Company (People Corp)

We are pleased to announce that Farrow Benefits Consulting o/a Farrow Pension & Benefits has formed a strategic partnership with GroupQuest - a People Corporation Company (People Corp).

The primary purpose of this alliance is to secure the expert administrative assistance available to us through the GroupQuest team. We will continue to leverage our extensive experience and knowledge to help you manage your plans. GroupQuest will be our “back-shop”, assisting with the ongoing management of your program. This will allow us to continue to focus on providing you with the quality advice you deserve.

As an integral part of Farrow Pension & Benefits, the GroupQuest team is bound by confidentiality agreements that will ensure the privacy of your employees is protected.

People Corp is the largest provider of group benefit advisory services across Canada. Their critical mass allows us to leverage even further our reputation in the marketplace. It also gives us access to proprietary benefit solutions and pricing which helps us do a better job for you and your organization. Our team just got better.







Over his 40 year career, Wayne has worked with hundreds of Canadian corporations to design and manage Retirement Savings Programs involving thousands of plan members.

His hands-on approach and involvement at the Plan Member level gives him a unique ability to see things through the eyes of all the stakeholders and most importantly, the Plan Member. 

He has literally been there, and done that, on the shop floor, not the 52nd floor. 

This experience has allowed him to simplify the plan design and management of retirement programs in such a way that the most important elements are clearly understood by both the Plan Sponsor, and the Plan Member. 

As he always says, “if you can’t explain it to an eight year old, then you don’t understand it.” 

You can contact Wayne at: wayne@farrowpension.ca

Daniel Klim